July 2020 Newsletter – Issue 1

The Hebrew Roots University has been established and accredited to ensure that the True Gospel of the Kingdom will be a legacy to future generations in the Hebrew Roots Movement.
Applications are now open for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 semesters. Hebrew Roots University is History in the Making. Join us today and be a part of History!
Watch this video message from our Chancellor, Dr. Arthur Bailey, welcoming you to Hebrew Roots University:

The Sabbath is one of the most important subjects in Scripture. The Fourth Commandment calls for a Sabbath on the seventh day of the week. Unfortunately, the Sabbath is the Commandment most ignored by the majority of those who confess faith in Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus). Theologians, preachers, and teachers have been teaching that Elohim (God), the Apostles, or the early church Fathers changed the seventh-day Sabbath to be on Sunday in honor of the resurrection of the Messiah. There is no Biblical evidence to support such teachings.
Within this Course, key New Testament Scriptures are addressed that have been used to support the changing of the Sabbath from the seventh day to the first day of the week. The most critical and the most common questions and arguments used in Christian denominational debates when addressing the Sabbath Commandment and the Law/Torah are investigated. Some are:
- Didn’t Yeshua come to destroy the keeping of the Law/Torah?
- Can I choose any day to be my Sabbath?
- Wasn’t the Sabbath changed from Saturday to Sunday because Yeshua arose from the grave on the first day of the week?
- Did Paul keep the Sabbath on Sunday?
Students are inspired to search the Scriptures for themselves and face the challenge to cast off religious or traditional mindsets and to seek Elohim’s truth.

Using the two Books of the Maccabees in the Apocrypha as Course content, students practice and obtain mastery using the American Psychological Association’s (APA) set of rules and guidelines for writing.
The family of Judas Maccabeus became known as the Maccabees, from the Hebrew word for “hammer”, because they were said to be ferocious against their enemies. This family is also known as the Hasmoneans. The Books of the Maccabees covers the period from 175 to 134 BC, giving the details of how the Jewish people suffered at the hands of primarily Greek oppressors and overcame the crisis through the Maccabee family. The saga is not for the faint of heart because as the story unfolds, it includes explicit details of martyrs, greed, treachery, champions, wars, atrocities, intrigue, romance, defeats, and victories.
In the process of completing the Assignments, students will learn about the APA Style, which is a set of rules and guidelines that create a uniform standard for professional writing. APA Style is used for journal article manuscripts; student research papers; and dissertations and theses in many disciplines.
Upon completion of this Course, students will be able to demonstrate the writing of basic elements of professional papers such as Abstracts, Keywords, Text (Body of the Paper), In-Text Citations. Footnotes, Charts, Tables, Annotated Bibliographies, and References.
Dr. Arthur Bailey, Th.D., D.D.

Apostle Dr. Arthur Bailey is the Founder and Chancellor of the non-governmental accredited Hebrew Roots University, the world’s premier and only university of its kind. As a leader in the Hebrew Roots Movement, Apostle Dr. Arthur Bailey also leads House of Israel Worldwide, a group of Messianic Hebrew Roots Congregations that actively teach the Hebrew Roots of the Christian faith. Internationally known Apostle Dr. Arthur Bailey, is an anointed teacher, author, preacher and prophetic minister.
Dr. Arthur Bailey is the Author of over 55 published books including “Sunday is not the Sabbath?”, now translated in seven languages, an in-depth teaching on the seventh-day Sabbath and its relevance to today’s living. Other titles include “How to Hear God’s Voice”, “Offended and Offending”, “The Evolution of the American Gospel”, and “To Tithe or Not to Tithe”.
Dr. Bailey has earned degrees and certifications from several colleges and universities, received honorary degrees and has taught as a professor and presented as a lecturer in colleges, universities and presented as keynote speaker at many conferences & churches.
Apostle Dr. Arthur Bailey is the developer and producer of a premier Discipleship Program called Discipleship 101 with its very own website @ http://discipleship101.tv/ and a premier Leadership Program called Leadership 101 with its very own website @ http://leadership101.tv/.
Apostle Arthur Bailey currently oversees the House of Israel, a Spirit-filled New Covenant Torah observant community in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Apostle Bailey has planted Messianic Hebrew congregations in the United Kingdom, Ukraine, Nigeria, and the USA.
Apostle Arthur Bailey currently resides in Fort Mill, South Carolina with his wife, Marvina, and several of their eight children.