Online Learning has really risen to the occasion and become quite the norm in the wake of the pandemic which caused a great reduction of learning in the classroom environment. Hebrew Roots University was conceptualized as an Online Learning vehicle and acquired its Non-Governmental Accreditation status in December 2019, launched the Website in March of 2020, and conducted its first online classes in May 2020. We were designed for such a time as this!

As more and more people are experiencing Online Learning, let’s explore ten aspects of Online Learning versus Classroom Learning.

1. Create Your Own Schedule (It Is All on Your Own Time!)

You get to pace yourself. You’re not out the door in a hurry for an early morning class, you just have to click a link for a Zoom call or go to your Online Classroom. You get the chance to create your own study schedule in the comfort of your home. Enjoy the freedom and make the most of it!

2. Learn from Anywhere

You can physically learn from anywhere – the world is your classroom!

3. Learn More About Yourself and Your Learning Style

When you’re in the hustle and bustle of everyday life on a campus, there is a less time to reflect on what type of student you are or perhaps what you want to pursue career-wise after graduation. With Online Learning, you may be able to gain more insight into what motivates you, not only as a student, but as a person. You can also plan time for yourself and grow in a way you may not have had previously.

4. Connection Between Students and Instructors

In an in-person learning environment, it may be difficult to talk one-on-one or arrange an Office visit with the Instructor teaching the curriculum, especially in larger class sizes. With virtual learning, you can conveniently reach out to your Instructor through email, text, or phone whenever you need help.

5. Become More Computer Literate

With virtual learning, you are given the chance to expand your knowledge of how technology can simulate various learning environments.

6. Greater Responsibility for Managing Your Own Time

It may come as a surprise that losing a set schedule to a flexible schedule may become de-motivating due to the repetition of staying in the same space to learn and work. However, if you switch up the places where you’re working, even if it is a different room in your home, you can keep some novelty in your daily routine.

7. Lack of Physical Social Interaction

With Online Learning, physical social interaction is hard to come by. However, there are still ways to stay social (safely) and learn outside of the classroom – you just need to make more of an effort to do so.

8. The Curriculum Is Slightly Different

Online learning is paced and planned out much differently than classroom lessons. This does not mean that you are not gaining the same knowledge or learning the same material. It just means that you are given the information in a different format and pace.

9. Prolonged Periods of Time in Front of a Screen

Sitting in front of a screen daily may become tiring on your eyes after a while. However, if you take breaks to rest your eyes (20 seconds every 20 minutes), or perhaps purchase a pair of blue-light glasses that are proven to decrease eyestrain, this will become less of an inconvenience.

10. Potential Technical Difficulties and Lack of Technical Knowledge

With Online Learning there are challenges and bugs in using technology. If you have a laptop that runs slow, or has issues from time to time, it may be difficult to keep up with your studies. But as the Semester continues, your knowledge in using technology evolves and you become more capable of handling Online Learning.

Online Learning in a Nutshell

Cons Pros
Greater responsibility for managing your own time. You create your own schedule, pace yourself, and enjoy your freedom!
Challenging to stay motivated to keep a routine schedule. You can inject some novelty into your daily routine to break up any monotony.
Lack of physical social interaction. You are free to find ways to stay socially distant and learn outside of the classroom.
Being at a computer for several hours daily. You can click a link for a Zoom call or login to your Online Classroom. You can learn from anywhere; the world is your classroom!
Solitary learning environment. You will learn more about yourself, your learning style, and gain more insight into what motivates you, not only as a student, but as a person.
Lack of in-person Student – Instructor interactions. You can reach out by email, text, and phone when you need help.
Lack of technological knowledge. Online Learning gives you the opportunity to expand your technological knowledge.
Potential technological difficulties. Through Online Learning, a person’s technology knowledge evolves. They grow more capable of navigating and problem solving the technology.
Prolonged periods of time in front of a screen. Take 20 second breaks every 20 minutes to rest your eyes. Blue-light glasses decrease eye strain.
The curriculum is slightly different; it is paced and formatted differently. With an open mind and the willingness to challenge yourself, you will expand your learning horizons.

3 Responses

  1. I am a 68 yr old Desert Storm Veteran who’s on disability, living on a budget, also with a learning disability and hardly no computer training or knowledge. I have taken a few College courses, which I did not do well.

    I have a lot of negatives against me, however, if I can afford to go I really would like to see with Yah Hey Vav Hey’s help how far I can go. HIS WORD says, “ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE

    1. Shalom Patricia,

      It is never too late to learn the Scriptures for yourself so that you are not at the mercy of man made doctrines and traditions.

      Throughout the journey at Hebrew Roots University, we are applying the things we learn. This is a daily walk that will last until we take our last breath. Our goal is to hear “well done, my good and faithful servant”.

  2. I am a 68 yr old Desert Storm Veteran who’s on disability, living on a budget, also with a learning disability and hardly no computer training or knowledge. I have taken a few College courses, which I did not do well.

    I have a lot of negatives against me, however, if I can afford to go I really would like to see with Yah Hey Vav Hey’s help how far I can go. HIS WORD says, “WITH MEN THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE, BUT WITH ELOHIM ALL IS POSSIBLE.”

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